Cheryl's Sandwich Sudoku

Solve Puzzle


The ruleset can also be accessed here:

Cheryl has set a sandwich sudoku for Albert and Bernard with the following ruleset:

Albert is only given the row clues and Bernard is only given the column clues. They have the following conversation:

Albert: I know whether R1C3 is a crust.
Bernard: I know where the crusts in column 1 are.
Albert: I didn’t know where the crusts in row 1 are, but now I know. I also know R6C2 is not a crust.
Bernard: I already knew R6C2 is not a crust.
Albert: I don’t know how far apart the crusts are in row 2, but I know whether R2C4 is a crust.
Bernard: I already knew how far apart the crusts are in column 4, but I still don’t know where they are. In addition, I know whether R4C3 is a crust, but I don’t know whether the other cells are a crust.
Albert: I still don’t know where the other crust in row 6 is.
Bernard: I didn’t know how far apart the crusts are in column 6, but now I know.
Albert: None of my clues are 0.
Bernard: The sandwich sum in column 4 is a prime number.
Albert: The sandwich sum in row 3 is not a prime number.
Bernard: The sandwich sum in column 5 is a prime number.
Albert: I know the solution to this sudoku.
Bernard: I know the solution to this sudoku.